Had I known better, I would’ve been a restoration architect. But I hadn’t, so here I am.  A lawyer by day, and not by night, — well, at least not if I can help it.  My interests run passionately along these two lines:  the law, and art.  I am blessed to live in culturally-rich Chicago — I absolutely love it.  I love the City’s exceptional architecture.  The paradox of its visual “togetherness” amidst an ethnically and lifestylewise diverse population and history.  I love the city’s sounds, its food, its elegance, its efficiency … its pulse.  I love that I live by the Lake, and that my window looks out to the cityscape.  I will be moving to the UK soon.  All for love (wow, who knew!).  So soon enough, I will miss Chicago, even as I look forward to wonderful new experiences in Europe, and inevitably compare one place’s apples with another’s oranges.  Now wouldn’t THAT will be exciting?  So, until the move across the pond, and beyond, stay in your armchairs and travel with me. :)

Postscript:  Since then, I married the Englishman, and moved to the UK, although I remain “transcontinental” for the most part.  I shuttle back and forth across the pond for work (I still practice as an attorney in the US; and while in the UK, I “telecommute” work across cyberspace and rely heavily on a wonderful legal assistant).  The US is also where I do most of my shopping.  I have yet to appreciate to the Kate-Moss fashion sense I see in most “shops” here in the UK, much less attempt to add any to my wardrobe.  They are also, not cheap, compared to US prices.  But  until then, the thrill is in the search for my new favorites.


misswindycity [at] gmail.com

10 thoughts on “ABOUT

  1. Dear MissChicago, your blog is fabulous! The postcard “posted” well, did it not? It was also nice meeting Candy. She’s a cutie. I will be in touch. Maybe we’ll see Jerri. That would be an experience for me. I have never met her!!! But I know her lovely sister MissChicago (S!). Take care, Jo

  2. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. I’m glad you like it! You’re more than welcome to add me to your blog roll and if it’s okay, I’ll do the same to you! :-)


  3. Re: fashion sense…If there’s one thing I learned after 6.5 years in the UK, women don’t wear khakis. It kills me now to see women in Chicago all in khakis. We are not camping!!!!

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Betty Ann! I hope to jumpstart the blog somehow (fingers and toes crossed). I guess I should begin by checking it more often — as you can see I haven’t quite been able to do this and hence the delayed response. But soon, soon… and hope hope. :)

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